Thursday 13 August 2015

She only sees opportunities not limitations.

Queen Okafor is young lady from Nigeria a native of Nnobi in Idemeili South Local Government Area, Anambra State. Some call her the most breded woman in Nigeria some consider her a witch while to other seeing for the first time evokes mixed feelings about her gender and sexuality but the bottom line is that she's simply a woman a different kind of woman.

I was watching TV the other day when  this lady with some much energy and life was invited as the special of 'moments' on Ebony Life TV. What grab my attention was the manner with which she spoke and her facial expressions. Always smiling regardless of the way people see her a day the facial hair. She spoke about her childhood the challenges which she faced and some which she is still facing.  But vision on life was absolutely amazing. That vibrate energy in her voice captured the entire place and could be felt by everyone present during the 45 minutes interview. Her attitude towards life is fill  with hope and optimism. She never saw her physical condition as a limitation but rather as a blessing.
She has learnt to use it to her advantage by touching life positively and even planned on having her own TV or Radio Show someday. She see herself as one special human being all the facial hair which she has as a woman which distinguishes her from every other woman was a special gift from God and she in turns to use that in charging lives.
This got me pondering on my life how we always turn to use our immediate situation or physical conditions in constructing our future. Our destinies are in our hands what we decide to make of it sorely depends on us. As the presenters of Moments will always say 'once you can think it you can do it'. She thought about being interviewed on a TV show someday and she made it now she's thinking about having her own TV show who says she can't have that.