Monday 11 April 2016

Boko Harram asking for $50 million as ransom to free the Chibok girls

$50 million is what the Islamic militant group Boko Harram is asking as ransomto free the 219 Chibok girls which it abducted in 2014. The demand comes just few  weeks to the second anniversary of their kidnapped in Northern Nigeria.

In a secret meeting between the federal government of Nigeria headed by the newly elected President Muhammad Buhari and the militant group a request of $50 million was asked in other for the girls to be released. But it's Boko Harram broke now or what? Lol to the level were they are asking for cash as ransom.

Report says this demands has brought a split within the government as some think it would be worth it to help resolve the Chibok situation while another group of thought thinks it will enriched the militant group in recruiting more soldiers. All we want is for the girls to be free😐

Its important to recalled that the Chibok girls were abducted on the 14th of April 2014 in the northern part of Nigeria and since then champaign on  'Bring Back our Girls' has been running through socail media to help curve the problem by social political and religious organisations.

The Islamic militant group rejects female education and western education in general and it is reported that all girls whom have been abducted by Boko Harram have been forcefully convicted to Islam.

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