Friday 8 April 2016

Ghana: king Cephas uses social media to govern his people

And who says as a king or any other traditional ruler can not govern his poeple through socail media that he must be resisting permanently in the community before any effective leadership and control can be made.

Well....57 year old King Togbe Ngoryifia Cephas Kosi Bansah has just proofed you wrong by showing off pictures at his mechanic workshop in Germany as he governs his poeple over Skype. 

He is currently the superior and spiritual chief of Ewe people of Gbi kingdom in Eastern Ghana but permanently resists in Ludwigshafen Germany with his wife Gabriele Bansah and their two kids. 

King Tobago Ngoryifia Cephas Kosi Bansah was born in Ghana but was later sent to Germany in 1970 by his grandfather who encouraged him to further his passion for mechanic.

He went on to further his studies on mechanic and eventually gained full citizenship and decided to settle in Germany. He opened up his garage in Ludwigshafen Germany and in 1987 he received a Fax which would change his life forever.

The King of Hohoe, his grandfather had died and his father and eldest brother whom were deemed fit for the thrown were all sidelined because they were all left-handed and according to the traditions of the Ewe people that is considered as 'unclean'. 

Therefore according to the customs of the Ewe people Céphas was the only rightful heir to the thrown..'how cool of a surprise was'.

Even though he is the King of Hohoe he lives permanently in Ludwigshafen Germany with his family he uses Skype to govern his poeple and visits Ghana a year.

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