Tuesday 12 May 2015

conjoined twins: stretch a helping hand to them

A family in Cameroon is asking for assistance from well wishes to transfer their conjoined twins to the United States for surgery. Conjoined twin are very rare in the world and their life expectancy is usually very low are seen as demons in some rural areas in  Cameroon and are mostly left to die or killed by villagers in the community where they're born.

As humans we all have the right to life regardless of how we are or were born. We never made yourselves to come out the way we are. We got human rights associations all over the world and Cameroon is no exception and as an exceptional case of conjoined twin the government of cameroon and more especially the health department of country have to take this matter into their hands by providing medical and financial assistance to the family because I do believe if the family is reaching out to the public it is because the Cameroon government haven't done enough.  

Even though the family is asking for financial assistance from members of the public as corrupt as I know Cameroon is I honestly do wonder if the money which will raised will even reach its destination.  Conjoined twins is just one of those cases which are considered as taboo in some rural areas in Cameroon.

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