Sunday 10 May 2015

Happy international mother's day

Four years ago I left my home country Cameroon to south Africa to further my educa tion. I was sent on this life time adventure by three phenomenal women. Emma Nayongo Effange my mother Pauline Eposi Watany my grandmother and Jane Effange my aunty who is off blessed memory. I was young and very naive had no family over there all I had and knew where the principles of living a virtuous life implanted in me by them. All they wanted was for to have the best in life first by getting enrolled into a university and secondly having a great future without any limitations.

 I know as children especially as young as we always think we are, our mothers responsibilities is indisputable as we mark the annual the international mother's day today the 10th of may. I have tried to do a just a little flash back on some of those qualities which I see as special and unique to all mothers.

Every human being even though some are born premature stays in the mothers womb..For 9 months meaning she gave u shelter and protection you even before you the light of day for 9 months and immediately you came into this world her first priority was to give you the best life could offer with her own means. She made sure you were protected from any harm humanly or naturally. Some even gave up their dreams just because they want to provide the best for their family.  Sometimes I get to wonder how single mothers manage to do all alone and a good example is my mother and grandmother both single mothers but they did all they could in providing for their children and I do believe all we could give back to them is honour and appreciation because we can never pay them back for all what they have done for us

If the international community could come together and set a day for us to celebrate and appreciate them is not just because they are female but because they are pure necessity and irreplaceable
 Happy mothers day to all the mothers all over the whole
the world

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