Friday 15 May 2015

Gender Based Violence: women not to be targeted but educated

Gender based violence keeps growing to an alarming rate in the world as days goes by. Initially gender b ased violence was mostly practised in homes and other social institutions within a community or country.  Patriarchal norms were what governs any home or society but nowadays international institutions mostly especially tarostist groups like Boko harm and Al-Shabab are being created to fight against the education of the girl child. Their motor is violence and they target small communities where the population is comprised mostly of women. Most of those women are being kidnapped, raped and even killed just to pass a crossed their message of "NO TO FEMALE EDUCATION". On the 15th of April 2014 at a small community in Chibok in Borno state, Nigeria 276 female students were abducted by Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram.  The main reason why those girls were kidnapped is because they're female and they decided to enrich themselves with wisdom and knowledge by going to school.  Their ages were between 14 to 15 years old. We're in the 21st century education is a priority to every single person regardless of your gender. The vulnerability of the female gender has always lead to untold violence against women.  And as if that wasn't enough in Kenya another Islamic group called Al-Shabab went into  Garissa university college killed and assaulted more than 147 students and warned of many more attacks. And one of the reasons for this attack was also linked to disapproval for female education.

I really do not get it. Why are women always been targeted or seen as elements of violence? The world is still trying to stop demotic violence now we're talking about global violence against women.  Last month 214 girls were rescued from the hands of Boko Haram and all were reported pregnant according to UNFPA and this excludes the 276 who were kidnapped from the secondary school in Chibok.
Early this year a 14 year old girl was caught at the airport in Cape Town South Africa travelling to go join an Islamic militant group.

When we talk of equality and respect for human rights what do we mean? I know I am just a single person and i got just one voice but it's all about making that one voice be heard by millions and for the world to understand that no sustainable development could ever be achieved by a single gender. I rest my case.

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