Thursday 31 March 2016

Nkandla Judgment: President Zuma to pay back the money

Democracy in Africa, even the president is not above the law says the National constitutional court of South Africa. The court handed it judgement this morning about the Nkandla security upgrade asking the president to pay back part of the money which was used for his security upgrade in his Nkandla residence.

Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng emphasise on the fact that no one is above the law and as a president Jacob Zuma as the first citizen of the country has failed to uphold the constitution of the country and protect the poor using taxi payers money for his personal use and not respecting the ruling of the public protector which is the voice of the people.

The judgement which was unimious saw president guilty as he failed to respect the ruling of the constitutional court findings as he decided to ignore it and left the issue in the hands of the minister of police to do his investigation.

Thuli Modonela found in her report in 2014 that some features included in the R246-million security upgrades to Zuma's Nkandla residence in KwaZulu-Natal were not security features. These included a cattle kraal, chicken run, visitors centre and pool.
I wonder the day president Paul Biya will be held accountable for this actions against the citizens of the country since cameroon is presumably democratic country.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

A pastor uses human bodies for his building foundation in Nigeria.

The heart of Man is definitely so evil. What people do in the name of the Lord is unthinkable and horrific. A pastor was apprehended in Enugu state in Nigeria as he uses human body for his church building. The bodies were used for the foundation covered with concrete. According to the police the pastor had to give bribe to this workers to shout them up while his devilish plans were being carried out.
To an extend this might not come as a surprise to many as church has slowly become a business a venture where anyone can just get

into it. Churches have become a place where some pastors use their Christians and church funds to enrich themselves. Some few months ago here in South Africa a pastor was arrested for given his Christians rats to eat in quest for instant miracle. The desire to become rich and famous pushes people to do the unthinkable. Let's not get blinded by superficial pastors and their instant miracle your personal salvation and your relationship with God is what matters.

The EFF leader is officially a university graduate.

The economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) leader Julius Malema is officially a university graduate with a bachelor of Art Degree in Communication and African studies from the University of South Africa. The graduation ceremony took place today at the Unisa Pretoria campus today evening.
EFF spokesman Mbuyiseni Ndlozi said in an interview later today that their leader Julius Malema continue to make them proud by providing to them that education is the key to economic political and social freedom.

Friday 25 March 2016

Pope Francis kisses and washes the legs of Muslims Hindu and Christians Refugees in Rome

Peace tolerance and solidarity is all we as humans to live on this earth are some of the attribute which Pope Francis emphasises on Thursday evening Rome as he washes the feet of Muslims Hindu and Christians immigrants to make the Easter week as we remember christ selfless scarifie for humankind.

Pope Francis called for an end to religious intolerance especially between Christians and Muslim and for peace to be our number one priority and no religion should be labelled as evil especially after the attack at the Brussels airport on Tuesday which left 30 people dead.

The mass which took at Castelnuovo di Porto in Rome is a shelter for homeless asylum seekers and with more than 892 people in attendance and saw the tradition of the Vatican been changed for the first time in the Catholic Church. Feet washing is a ritual which is normally  performed on 12 men mostly priest just as Jesus did but saw only men in attendance in the Catholic Church but Francis had 4 women in attendance and and 8 refugees including of all different religious background and nationality. The migrants were left crying as the pour holy water wiped and kiss them just as Jesus did with this disciples.

Wednesday 23 March 2016


Congo former Vice president Jean-Pierre Bemba has been  found guilty of war crimes and crime against humanity by the International Court Of Justice  ICC. The former Vice president was found guilty of all five counts of war and against humanity.

Judges Slyvia steiner said the former Vice president was criminally responsible for letting troops belonging to the Movement of the liberation of the Congo (MLC) rampage across the country during the civil war murdering and raping girls under the age of 10.

In 2002 2003 MLC troops commanded by Bemba murdered and raped civilians in CAR in during a civil war which has pledge the country till today. The troops were in support for Ange-Flexi  Patasse the president of CAR at the time.

Jean-Pierre Bemba is highest state rank official to be convicted by the ICC and even though he has deny all allegations he is kept under custody pending his appeal and sentencing. 

AFCON qualifiers: Alexander Song keep His stand About The Indomitable lions

It comes with no surprise that the cameroon international midfielder Alexander Song turn down Hugo Broos call to join the squad against Bafana Bafana for the up coming AFCON qualifiers the 26rd and 29th of this month in Limber and Durban respectively. Alexander song ended his love story with the indomitable lions during the 2014 world cup in Brazil due to bad vibe between him and the African legend Samuel Eto'o Files. Patriotism should know no limitations I guess...đŸ˜•

The indomitable lions will take on Bafana Bafana in Limbe on Saturday the 26th of March at Stade Municipal De Limbe at 16:30 CAT. To note that this match is a most win for Bafana Bafana who top the bottom of their group M standing for the AFCON qualifiers with 1 point.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Psquare: Trouble In Paradise For The Nigerian Music Super stars

After being vocal about it on twitter Paul Okoye of Psquare went all out by releasing his first single as a solo artist last week form his up coming album which his planning to release before the end of the year. The Psquare brothers going solo....hmmmm... not just shocking but disappointing for many. After more than a decade of unspeakable success, all those awards and their story was still relevant why the separation and more importantly they are blood brothers.

In an interview which Peter okaye granted to EL some couple of months back he stated clearly that Psquare will not split and those rumours going around were all false. But in a very lengthy interview which same Peter okoye gave to the nigeria media house the Net he stated the Genesis of the problem which which started four years ago and the architect of it all is their elder brother Jude Okoye who also happend to be their manager.

Peter said it all started about four years ago when he brought up some new ideas for the rebranding of Psquare where practical structures are going to be put in place like a record label like what Don Jazzy and the others are doing and a new management team set up because he wasn't satisfied with his brother Jude Okoye management skills. According to what he told Net magazine Paul wasn't happy with that and he told Peter if Jude leaves them he to has to leave and he will go solo.

Paul has recently been seen doing gigs alone and the last of such is a concert which he held in Abuja on Sunday. Report says he even went on twitter and stated how he writes  most of Psquare songs thus his brother Peter is mainly the dancer. This is was we call 'trouble in Paradise'. Lol

It is important to note that apart from the Psquare brothers going solo their joined worth has also been split not into two but into three because Jude Okoye also demanded a portion of it and since 'water don pass garri' he just had to be included. After more than a decade of bringing the best in African pop music unfortunately the love story had to come to an end. Disappointment and heartbreak would say it's an understatement felt by some fans. But as Peter will put was about time.

Friday 18 March 2016

The EFF leader Julius Malema Just Released First Sound Track #GuptaMustFall

Julius Malema the most animated politician on the African continent who also stands leader of the people in Red the EFF 'Economic Freedom Fighters' just did it again and this time around he really went all out by releasing a sound track in expressing his frustration against president Jacob Zuma and the Guptas family. 'Guptas Must fall, Guptas Must fall '  which is mainly the only lyrics in the song features the voice of Julius Malema and a lady who's identify has not been disappear. With an excellent beat of the traditional house genre is very danceable ironically so. I could not stop myself from laughing when I heard the track.

The EFF leader has been at the peak of bringing down president Zuma and the Gupta family who are linked to charges of influencing the appointment of ministers and CEO's within the country. The two India brothers came into south Africa in the early 1990's and has since stablished multi million corporations around the country with one of president's son seated at the board of directors.

Many opposition leaders like the DA 'the Democratic Alliance' and the EFF 'Economic Freedom Fighters' has accused the president of putting the faith of the country at the mercy of some individuals like the Guptas who's aim is profit oriented. Many ministers in the country have decided to come clean about the powerful influence of the Gupta family and the latest to feature on this list is the former CEO of Eskom who said he was forced out of his position as Eskom CEO because he refused to give in to the Guptas.

It is important to note that the dirty laundry of the Gupta family and president Zuma came to the open when president Zuma appointment three finance ministers within 48 hours last month and report says he was influenced by the Gupta family.

EFF Leader New Just Released His First Song Track #GuptaMustFall

Julius Malema the most animated politician on the African continent who also stands leader of the people in Red the EFF 'Economic Freedom Fighters' just did it again and this time around he really went all out by releasing a sound track in expressing his frustration against president Jacob Zuma and the Guptas family. 'Guptas Must fall, Guptas Must fall '  which is mainly the only lyrics in the song features the voice of Julius Malema and a lady who's identify has not been disappear. With an excellent beat of the traditional house genre is very danceable ironically so. I could not stop myself from laughing when I heard the track.

The EFF leader has been at the peak of bringing down president Zuma and the Gupta family who are linked to charges of influencing the appointment of ministers and CEO's within the country. The two India brothers came into south Africa in the early 1990's and has since stablished multi million corporations around the country with one of president's son seated at the board of directors.

Many opposition leaders like the DA 'the Democratic Alliance' and the EFF 'Economic Freedom Fighters' has accused the president of putting the faith of the country at the mercy of some individuals like the Guptas who's aim is profit oriented. Many ministers in the country have decided to come clean about the powerful influence of the Gupta family and the latest to feature on this list is the former CEO of Eskom who said he was forced out of his position as Eskom CEO because he refused to give in to the Guptas.

It is important to note that the dirty laundry of the Gupta family and president Zuma came to the open when president Zuma appointment three finance ministers within 48 hours last month and report says he was influenced by the Gupta family.

Leicester City At The Verge Of Making History

With just 8 games left to the end of the premier league Leicester city  which was considered under dogs by many is at the verge of making history. With a magnificent striker by the name of Jamie Vardy who just made history as the first premier league player to score in 11 successive premier matches and currently the league top scorer and a manager who's ego can be considered as an inspiration to the team could see itself crown ad premier league champions. Leicester city tops the premier league with 63 points followed by Tottenham 58 points.

The club which was founded in 1884 won the English championship in May 2014 to return to the premier league for the first time since 2003/04 and this time around one could possibly say they have come to get the prestigious title. Their 4-4-2 playing tactics is working perfectly well for them as they have suffered just two defeat in their 25 league games this season. With a well placed defence and efficiency of their forward players which is used in punishing their openness I wonder if regular teams like Crystal Palace which is ranked 15th on the league table with 33 points can be able to stop them as they go head to head with other today at 5pm at the King Power Stadium in Leicester city. It clould be said that determination hope and team success can be seen the spirit which runs through the team in their playing style.

'Small pikin cutlass no di sharp only for morning ya..' lol

Oscars Pistorius: Corruption at High Places

'Give me 250.000 Rand and I will make your case disappear' Oscars Pistorius are the words altered by a conman who posted himself as a persecutor. Local media says the 33 year old conman who has already received 40.000 Rand was arrested today afternoon at the Pretoria prison with charges of corruption.

Oscars Pistorius was found guilty of murder early this year and faces at least 18years in jail after he saw his case over turned by the Pretoria high court for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013 on Valentine's day. Till date Oscars Pistorius still argues that the three bullet shot by him which lead to the death of his girlfriend in their bathroom was never intentional and he thought it was an intruder.

Boko Harram: 20 militants killed in the North of Nigeria by Cameroon soldiers

After paying homage to three of their colleagues on the 11th of March who died in the battle field defending the national colors, Cameroon soldiers shown their level of patriotism for their fatherland by killing 20 of Boko Harram militants on Thursday in the town of Djibrila in Northern Nigeria. The raid which was lead by General Jacob Kodji did not just lead to the death of 20 Boko Harram soldiers but some have also been held hostage by the cameroon army.

It is important to note that till date Boko Harram militants have killed an estimated 15.000 people in the north of Cameroon mostly women and children. The Islamic militant group main aim is to establish a Islamic state in Northern cameroon and Nigeria and wants to make sure this happens within six years. It is also important to note that the Islamic group is highly against western education and the education of the girl child in particular reason why women and children are the ones who have been mostly affected by its raid.

Cameroon hip hop Guru: Our Very Own Dr. Dre.

I will call him the pharallel of 237. The all in one hip hop guru in Cameroon. From sound engineer to producer singer video director and rapper. His simply know as Jovi one of the best most sort out rappers now in africa and also the owner of new Bell Music in Douala cameroon. I was introduced to his songs by a friend last year and I do remember very well the song which crab my attention and made me to be a huge fan til date. It was  'Don for kwat' and 'Bastard'. Just with the very first lines I could relate so well with the songs. I went through the entire lyrics of the songs and my insects just went to million of Cameroonians youths who even with their good educational qualifications can not find jobs in the country due to the huge unemployment rate that the faces.  They have simply became Don for kwat due to the discriminatory and corrupt environment which they face in the country
Hope is one of the common messages which one will find in most of his songs. He studied sound engineering in India and decided to go back home and implement this knowledge in the cameroon music industry especially in the hip hop genre. He uses the diversity of Cameroon music in creating most of his beats and the social conditions of the people in for his lyrics especially from the area where he grow up New bell reason why his record lebelle is called 'New Bell Music'. In another interview which he granted to a media house in Carbon he said music legends like Dr.Dre Manu Dipango are his source of inspiration and his studio is for young Cameroonians who have faith in their talent.

Jovi's  Music is not just any popular hip hop sound you hear on a daily basis. He tries to be unique with lyrics and beats which distinguishes him a lot with other hip hop artists. His talent can never be under estimated and his dream of taken cameroon forward in the musical sence can only be appreciated. Remember his been nominated for the category of best album in this year's Kora Music awards.

Monday 14 March 2016

Abortion is in legal in Cameroon but unborn twin were left to die at the laquintinie hospital in Douala

Human life is precious no matter the circumstances. After the horrific incident which happened on Saturday at the laquintinie hospital in Douala the minister for public health Mr. Andrè Mama Fouda made a public statement condemning the actions of the niece of the deceased who tried saving the twice from their dead mothers womb Monique.

We all agree what the niece did using a razor blade to operate upon the deceased was totally against the law. But she had no other choice since the nurses and other hospital officers at the hospital refused to try and safe the unborn children with the pretext that the law of the state does not allow operation on a dead person even if the unborn children might  still be alive.

Honestly Mr. Minister and the Government of Cameroon we all have the right to live as humans even if we are still to be born reason why abortion is considered in legal in Cameroon. The Niece was brave in trying to safe the unborn children though her bravely is highly condemned by you and your officials. And from information which i got online one of the babies dead few hours after delivery meaning they could have been alive today if care was taken. Our concerned is the officials at the laquintinie hospital in Douala who took an oath of saving life what is their faith because it can be clearly seen that negligence and wickedness let to the death of Monique and her twin.

Monique even though your gone your voice will be use as an instrument to speak against corruption discrimination and negligence not just in the heath sector but in the general administration in Cameroon.

Sunday 13 March 2016

We Stand For Justice For Monique

I can't  say this gives me joy but at least a some level of satisfaction seeing how Cameroonians all over world have gathered in one voice through social to condemn this outrageous act of wickedness and negligence with personals of the laquintinie hospital in Douala yesterday.
Justice for Monique is all we are advocating. I personally think if the minimum medical assistance would have if not safe the unborn twin. And it was so shocking hearing a comment from one of the Doctors in Cameroon saying 'people are just blowing the unfortunate incident out of proportion ' and even went to the extend of saying 'shame the woman had no money to pay for her medicals so that wasn't the fault of the officials of the laquintinie hospital because all medical procedures in the country needs to be paid and no Country in the world provide free medical facilities to its citizens'.

This is not just outrageous but wickedness into consideration the oath which all medical professionals take which is of saving lives. And just a little piece of information for this doctor in question who's name is do not want to mention some countries in the world provide free medical care to all its citizens even foreigners and a clear example is South Africa.

As I said in my previous posts Monique is just one in many. The injustice and inequalities in Cameroon most stop

Greed and corruption lead to the three innocent Souls at the laquintinie hospital in Douala

When the laws of the land have been forceful taken by those in authority unfortunately the result which you get is what happend yesterday at the laquintinie hospital in Douala where a woman by name Monique heavily pregnant in labour was left to die at the doors of the hospital because she could not afford medical care. Her niece who was contacted few hours after came in at thr same hospital with a few medical equipments which she could possibly laid her hands to rescue her Aunt.

Her brevity amazes me as the whole scenario was being recorded by on lookers. Watching the video did not just made me cry but imagined human beings could be this wicked and greedy how the spirit of nepotism and corruption has eaten deep down the heart and soul of some Cameroonians. Offices which are supposed to be used in saving lives and for the service of the general public have now been turn to personal homes by some who do whatever they want and however they want with it. Monique is just one in a case of many where the abuse of power and greed over takes duty and compassion. 

The doctor and the nurses on duty at the laquintinie hospital have to be answerable to this for their level of unprofessionalism and for none respect of the laws of the land stated in the cameroon constitution which says every single person has the right to live so as Monqui and her two babies.  May their Souls Rest In Peace.

Friday 11 March 2016

AFCON qualifies: Hugo Broos make changes

A win against south Africa is what it's on the minds of most Cameroonians as a list of 27 players was made public by head coach of the indomitable lions to face bafana Bafana on the 26th and 29th of this month for the AFCON qualifies in Carbon in 2017. The list which comprises of old dogs like Nicolas N'koulou Chedjou Aurelien saw the return or of Alexandre Song who has been called by head coach Hugo Broos to field in the gap created by Enoh Enow at the midfield who will be out of the squad due to injury.

Fresh blood like Abang Anotole and Toko Karly have been called in to help the attack line since the fitness of Choupo Moting Eric is questionable who's still recovering from an injury and Aboubakar Vincent who will be remarkably absent due to the accumulation yellow cards. All we wish the lions is a win and both matches will be played in the newly built stadium in Limbe Cameroon and Durban South Africa respectively.

Life After The 8th Of March

It's not just shocking but embracing when some people still uses phrases like "at least you had or we the men gave you women one day out of our 365 days" . It's the 21 century globalisation is at the front row of every thing the media especially social media has enlightened Us that 365 was not just for men but every living creature on earth. This mindset of some men makes me to realise how us as women still have a lot to do about the emancipation of women and gender equality in the world and Africa in particular.

I will like to deal mostly on this. Firstly the concept of the 8th of March needs to be over emphasis through the media, social media workshops and every other platforms. 8th of March which is celebrated all over the world as THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY is a day set aside by the United Nations in 1975 to reflect on the plight of women all over the world. It's a day where women in particular and the world as a whole world set and reflect about the struggles of women their success and aspirations in making the world better place for all of humanity because this was denied of them by men and society. Women for years were and are still seen as second class citizens in some countries their gender instead of it being seen as a blessing have been seen as a curse.

8th of March isn't just a day of celebration as in celebrating the achievement of women like Mo Adube of Nigeria who is helping to change the image of the African Woman through her Television Network Ebony Life TV but also a day of reflect on what is still to be done through emancipation of women.

The fact that we celebrate our independent day on the 20th of may doesn't mean we're still in captive for the rest of the 364 days same as women's day.

Thursday 10 March 2016

18years Is Never Too Late

It took one whole year for justice to take it full course and yesterday the verdict was finally given. Judge John hlope at the western Cape high court convicted the 51 year old who's name and full identity has been hidden for security reasons of kidnapping fraud and contravening the child Act.

The 51 year old lady according to her own version of the story adapted Zaphany Nurse 18 years ago from Groote schuur  hospital with the pretext that her biological mother does not want her. The unlawful adaption transaction took place at the Wnyberg station with a sum of R3000 given to the nurse who brought the child from the hospital.

18years is definitely  too much to not to know someone especially your real parents but as we all know blood is definitely think than water. The bonding might be easier more than the way we thought and on the other hand loosing touch even respect from people whom you thought was your parent for 18years can be heart breaking. The deceit fraud corruption and crime which has been the bases of your growth with your supposedly parents will definitely a hard piece to shallow for Zaphany Nurse. All we can say is we wish her all the best with her new but rightful family.