Friday 18 March 2016

EFF Leader New Just Released His First Song Track #GuptaMustFall

Julius Malema the most animated politician on the African continent who also stands leader of the people in Red the EFF 'Economic Freedom Fighters' just did it again and this time around he really went all out by releasing a sound track in expressing his frustration against president Jacob Zuma and the Guptas family. 'Guptas Must fall, Guptas Must fall '  which is mainly the only lyrics in the song features the voice of Julius Malema and a lady who's identify has not been disappear. With an excellent beat of the traditional house genre is very danceable ironically so. I could not stop myself from laughing when I heard the track.

The EFF leader has been at the peak of bringing down president Zuma and the Gupta family who are linked to charges of influencing the appointment of ministers and CEO's within the country. The two India brothers came into south Africa in the early 1990's and has since stablished multi million corporations around the country with one of president's son seated at the board of directors.

Many opposition leaders like the DA 'the Democratic Alliance' and the EFF 'Economic Freedom Fighters' has accused the president of putting the faith of the country at the mercy of some individuals like the Guptas who's aim is profit oriented. Many ministers in the country have decided to come clean about the powerful influence of the Gupta family and the latest to feature on this list is the former CEO of Eskom who said he was forced out of his position as Eskom CEO because he refused to give in to the Guptas.

It is important to note that the dirty laundry of the Gupta family and president Zuma came to the open when president Zuma appointment three finance ministers within 48 hours last month and report says he was influenced by the Gupta family.

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