Friday 18 March 2016

Oscars Pistorius: Corruption at High Places

'Give me 250.000 Rand and I will make your case disappear' Oscars Pistorius are the words altered by a conman who posted himself as a persecutor. Local media says the 33 year old conman who has already received 40.000 Rand was arrested today afternoon at the Pretoria prison with charges of corruption.

Oscars Pistorius was found guilty of murder early this year and faces at least 18years in jail after he saw his case over turned by the Pretoria high court for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013 on Valentine's day. Till date Oscars Pistorius still argues that the three bullet shot by him which lead to the death of his girlfriend in their bathroom was never intentional and he thought it was an intruder.

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