Thursday 10 March 2016

18years Is Never Too Late

It took one whole year for justice to take it full course and yesterday the verdict was finally given. Judge John hlope at the western Cape high court convicted the 51 year old who's name and full identity has been hidden for security reasons of kidnapping fraud and contravening the child Act.

The 51 year old lady according to her own version of the story adapted Zaphany Nurse 18 years ago from Groote schuur  hospital with the pretext that her biological mother does not want her. The unlawful adaption transaction took place at the Wnyberg station with a sum of R3000 given to the nurse who brought the child from the hospital.

18years is definitely  too much to not to know someone especially your real parents but as we all know blood is definitely think than water. The bonding might be easier more than the way we thought and on the other hand loosing touch even respect from people whom you thought was your parent for 18years can be heart breaking. The deceit fraud corruption and crime which has been the bases of your growth with your supposedly parents will definitely a hard piece to shallow for Zaphany Nurse. All we can say is we wish her all the best with her new but rightful family.

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