Friday 18 March 2016

Boko Harram: 20 militants killed in the North of Nigeria by Cameroon soldiers

After paying homage to three of their colleagues on the 11th of March who died in the battle field defending the national colors, Cameroon soldiers shown their level of patriotism for their fatherland by killing 20 of Boko Harram militants on Thursday in the town of Djibrila in Northern Nigeria. The raid which was lead by General Jacob Kodji did not just lead to the death of 20 Boko Harram soldiers but some have also been held hostage by the cameroon army.

It is important to note that till date Boko Harram militants have killed an estimated 15.000 people in the north of Cameroon mostly women and children. The Islamic militant group main aim is to establish a Islamic state in Northern cameroon and Nigeria and wants to make sure this happens within six years. It is also important to note that the Islamic group is highly against western education and the education of the girl child in particular reason why women and children are the ones who have been mostly affected by its raid.

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