Sunday 13 March 2016

Greed and corruption lead to the three innocent Souls at the laquintinie hospital in Douala

When the laws of the land have been forceful taken by those in authority unfortunately the result which you get is what happend yesterday at the laquintinie hospital in Douala where a woman by name Monique heavily pregnant in labour was left to die at the doors of the hospital because she could not afford medical care. Her niece who was contacted few hours after came in at thr same hospital with a few medical equipments which she could possibly laid her hands to rescue her Aunt.

Her brevity amazes me as the whole scenario was being recorded by on lookers. Watching the video did not just made me cry but imagined human beings could be this wicked and greedy how the spirit of nepotism and corruption has eaten deep down the heart and soul of some Cameroonians. Offices which are supposed to be used in saving lives and for the service of the general public have now been turn to personal homes by some who do whatever they want and however they want with it. Monique is just one in a case of many where the abuse of power and greed over takes duty and compassion. 

The doctor and the nurses on duty at the laquintinie hospital have to be answerable to this for their level of unprofessionalism and for none respect of the laws of the land stated in the cameroon constitution which says every single person has the right to live so as Monqui and her two babies.  May their Souls Rest In Peace.

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