Tuesday 22 March 2016

Psquare: Trouble In Paradise For The Nigerian Music Super stars

After being vocal about it on twitter Paul Okoye of Psquare went all out by releasing his first single as a solo artist last week form his up coming album which his planning to release before the end of the year. The Psquare brothers going solo....hmmmm... not just shocking but disappointing for many. After more than a decade of unspeakable success, all those awards and their story was still relevant why the separation and more importantly they are blood brothers.

In an interview which Peter okaye granted to EL some couple of months back he stated clearly that Psquare will not split and those rumours going around were all false. But in a very lengthy interview which same Peter okoye gave to the nigeria media house the Net he stated the Genesis of the problem which which started four years ago and the architect of it all is their elder brother Jude Okoye who also happend to be their manager.

Peter said it all started about four years ago when he brought up some new ideas for the rebranding of Psquare where practical structures are going to be put in place like a record label like what Don Jazzy and the others are doing and a new management team set up because he wasn't satisfied with his brother Jude Okoye management skills. According to what he told Net magazine Paul wasn't happy with that and he told Peter if Jude leaves them he to has to leave and he will go solo.

Paul has recently been seen doing gigs alone and the last of such is a concert which he held in Abuja on Sunday. Report says he even went on twitter and stated how he writes  most of Psquare songs thus his brother Peter is mainly the dancer. This is was we call 'trouble in Paradise'. Lol

It is important to note that apart from the Psquare brothers going solo their joined worth has also been split not into two but into three because Jude Okoye also demanded a portion of it and since 'water don pass garri' he just had to be included. After more than a decade of bringing the best in African pop music unfortunately the love story had to come to an end. Disappointment and heartbreak would say it's an understatement felt by some fans. But as Peter will put it...it was about time.

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