Monday 14 March 2016

Abortion is in legal in Cameroon but unborn twin were left to die at the laquintinie hospital in Douala

Human life is precious no matter the circumstances. After the horrific incident which happened on Saturday at the laquintinie hospital in Douala the minister for public health Mr. Andrè Mama Fouda made a public statement condemning the actions of the niece of the deceased who tried saving the twice from their dead mothers womb Monique.

We all agree what the niece did using a razor blade to operate upon the deceased was totally against the law. But she had no other choice since the nurses and other hospital officers at the hospital refused to try and safe the unborn children with the pretext that the law of the state does not allow operation on a dead person even if the unborn children might  still be alive.

Honestly Mr. Minister and the Government of Cameroon we all have the right to live as humans even if we are still to be born reason why abortion is considered in legal in Cameroon. The Niece was brave in trying to safe the unborn children though her bravely is highly condemned by you and your officials. And from information which i got online one of the babies dead few hours after delivery meaning they could have been alive today if care was taken. Our concerned is the officials at the laquintinie hospital in Douala who took an oath of saving life what is their faith because it can be clearly seen that negligence and wickedness let to the death of Monique and her twin.

Monique even though your gone your voice will be use as an instrument to speak against corruption discrimination and negligence not just in the heath sector but in the general administration in Cameroon.

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