Sunday 13 March 2016

We Stand For Justice For Monique

I can't  say this gives me joy but at least a some level of satisfaction seeing how Cameroonians all over world have gathered in one voice through social to condemn this outrageous act of wickedness and negligence with personals of the laquintinie hospital in Douala yesterday.
Justice for Monique is all we are advocating. I personally think if the minimum medical assistance would have if not safe the unborn twin. And it was so shocking hearing a comment from one of the Doctors in Cameroon saying 'people are just blowing the unfortunate incident out of proportion ' and even went to the extend of saying 'shame the woman had no money to pay for her medicals so that wasn't the fault of the officials of the laquintinie hospital because all medical procedures in the country needs to be paid and no Country in the world provide free medical facilities to its citizens'.

This is not just outrageous but wickedness into consideration the oath which all medical professionals take which is of saving lives. And just a little piece of information for this doctor in question who's name is do not want to mention some countries in the world provide free medical care to all its citizens even foreigners and a clear example is South Africa.

As I said in my previous posts Monique is just one in many. The injustice and inequalities in Cameroon most stop

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